Blue Cheese Popovers
Today’s post might get a little heavy, it does delve into some really deeply personal parts of my life that I don’t usually talk about much. To balance it out, later I’ve got a light, fluffy popover recipe to go with it.
Balance is key in life, right?
So today I thought I’d write about…writing. When I was in school I hated writing. I guess I hated it because it took so much time and it took so much of me. I couldn’t talk to everyone sitting around me while I was supposed to be doing it. Yes, I was one of those kids who it didn’t matter where I sat, I talked all through class to everyone. I hated the dent my pencil left in my middle finger. Even by college it still wasn’t something I enjoyed. My husband and I met in college English. I tried really, really hard, and my husband didn’t try at all. He actually climbed under the table and took naps during class. Guess which one of us got the best grades?
It infuriated me.
I didn’t fully discover the power of my own written words until 2006.
I was pregnant with my 4th child and for some reason I had the most overwhelming desire to start a journal. I still don’t know why, because I’d never really kept a diary before. But I started journaling everything about what I was feeling, my dreams, my hopes, and, yes, even what I’d been eating. Our baby Hugo was born with very severe and unanticipated heart defects. I spent the next two months by his bedside with my journal, chronicling the details of his life and our life together in the hospital. Those two months were the first time I’d ever been apart from my husband and my other children. It was the first time I’d ever been by myself as an adult. It was a crazy time of being completely alone and yet constantly surrounded by tons of people.
Our son passed away after his third open heart surgery, he was just shy of two months old. I can’t even begin to tell you what a blessing that journal is now. It is the closest thing I have to a window to that life I lived with him for those 2 months. To read it now gives me this crystal clear view to who I was then and my life with him. And not to just the boy that he was after surgery, hooked up to machines and tubes, with 14 different IV pumps. But the baby he was when he was carefree in my belly and kicking in my ribs.
It is such a gift.
So was he.
Have you ever kept a journal? If you haven’t I’d challenge you to try it for a month and see what you think.
I had different pregnancy cravings with each of my 5 babies, but there was one that I had every single time I was pregnant–blue cheese! Today I’ve got a recipe for blue cheese popovers for you. Popovers are a much overlooked option to serve in place of hot rolls, bread, and biscuits.
I don’t know why they get so little love. They’re easy to make. They don’t take much time. They are close cousins to one of my personal favorites, Yorkshire Pudding. In my life, I’ve found that blue cheese is a great divider. Most people love it or they absolutely hate it. These blue cheese popovers are a gateway drug to blue cheese love. Light, airy, and bursting with flavor. They make a great accompaniment to soups or stews, and the flavors of these popovers positively sing when paired with red meat and red wine. Try these and come over to the dark side.

Blue Cheese Popovers
- 1 Tablespoon Butter
- 2 large eggs
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1/4 cup blue cheese dressing
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon dill weed
- 1 Tablespoon blue cheese crumbles ((optional))
- Grease a 12 cup muffin pan with butter.
- Whisk together the eggs, milk, and blue cheese dressing until well combined. Add in the flour, salt, cayenne pepper, and dill, whisking again until smooth and any lumps are gone.
- Pour the batter into the muffin pan, filling each cup about 2/3 full. Sprinkle the tops with blue cheese if desired.
- Place the muffin pan into a cold oven. Turn the oven to 450 degrees and bake until puffy and browned, about 25-30 minutes.
I love blue cheese and so does my youngest grandson, well anyway he likes it, no one else in my family can even stand to hear the words “blue cheese”. Anyway, I kept this recipe for 2 years or more, I had never attempted popovers, I decided to try it So easy! and so tasty! Since Treyton isn`t available today, I guess I`m going to have to eat them all myself 🙂 And your memory was absolutely beautiful <3
As far as blue cheese, l’m lodging in the “hate it” camp. But what a sweet memory this is, to remember your children whenever you make something with this ingredient. Thanks for the insight on this subject, something I and I’m sure others can draw inspiration from. And writing can be a great form of therapy 🙂
Going through the death of a 3 year old in our church right now. Your post spoke to me about the need to keep up my journal, even in crisis times, because they become part of our treasured memories and help in processing a crisis. Thank you for sharing such a great tip. (The mom who lost her child doesn’t bake, but she adores clothes and sells some awesome outfits!)
Oh Susan, that breaks my heart to know that this family is going through that right now. I will keep them in my prayers. Yesterday I was pretty uncertain about publishing this post, because it’s definitely not a typical “food blog” post. But I tie so many memories and emotions to the foods I eat. I don’t know if that’s a normal thing that other people do or not. Just like my journal helps holds my memories close, so do certain foods. Blue cheese makes me happy because it makes me think of my babies, pineapple upside down cake reminds me of times spend in my Grandma’s kitchen, homemade icecream evokes memories of summers spent out in the country with my great aunt. Thank you so much for your comment, it makes me glad that I did share these memories and stories.
I’m glad you added the food part of your memories and the recipe, Amy. It gives permission to others to acknowledge food … or other creative gifts such as fashion, as important parts of their legacy story.
Amy, wow. I’m so glad you shared this with us. Now we get to know a little about Hugo as well. I only experienced a few weeks in the NICU but enough to know what that environment feels like day in and day out. Bless your heart. I hope you know that when we make these popovers we will remember a beautiful little boy who left a beautiful journaling legacy. His photo is precious! And as a side note, yes, I bet they are the gateway drug to bleu cheese love. I’m a freak for some gorgonzola-onion cheese puffs from Trader Joes (frozen aisle). 🙂 Much love!
Bonnie, we were actually in the PICU because that’s where they put the cardiac patients, but yeah, living in that environment is something else. It’s like it’s own separate universe. Thank you so much for your kind remembrance!
I have never been to a Trader Joes (living in the boonies) but oh my gosh, gorgonzola-onion cheese puffs sound outstanding!
I had a miscarriage when I was too young to be a mother let alone try to deal with the emotions of child loss. Was a very confusing time of my life, had I known or thought about a journal I am sure it would have been a very helpful tool. I enjoy getting to know you more through each of your post, and also the food 🙂 I will admit I had never been a fan of blue cheese until I had it on a salad with bacon and then I became a fan! These look simple enough to make and yummy too…don’t think my family would mind giving them a try at supper time.
KC, I never knew that. I’m sorry that you had to go through that at such an early age. In some ways I counted myself blessed in the aftermath because my mother also lost a child shortly after giving birth and I could confide in her completely, knowing that she understood my situation. It’s unfortunate to have other people know that same pain, but so nice to not have to go through it alone.
And, yes, the food. Let these popovers win your family all over to the dark side! Mwahahaha:)
Well, look at you 17 years behind on the B town gossip lol 😉 Yes, I must win the family over to the dark side cheese love, we are a bunch of cheddar eaters in this house. Had this amazing applewood smoked cheddar over Christmas this year and it was delicious!
Yeah, I guess I was so absorbed in my own little dramas back then that I just missed it. That makes me feel awful! If I could go back in time and give you a big hug I would. You are such a strong person and even though I haven’t seen you in years I am so happy that you have such a great life, wonderful husband and kids, and are doing so well. We’ve come a long way from our lunch table days with Ophelia and Warren.
Amazing post. Hugo blessed us all in his too short life. Oh yeah, and this recipe looks delicious. I LOVE blue cheese! I’m eating my lunch at my desk right now but I want to leave for the rest of the day so I can make them! Now. And eat them all before my daughter gets home.
I contributed to an anthology of mothers who lost babies, either through miscarriage, stillborn, newborn and even children. My 2nd trimester miscarriage was what prompted my writing my memoir. It all came spilling out, and was “born” about the same time my baby was due.
I’m glad to know you better, sad you had to go through this.
And I love blue cheese.
Oh Jennie, I’m sorry. It is the most terrible “club” to have to be in, a parent who’s lost a child. I hate it that there are so many people who will relate to this btecause of their own losses. I also turned to writing in my grief, but not in the memoir form. I spent about a year writing a young adult novel. After I got to 70k words I realized that I was really writing about myself and my grief in a crazy, mixed up way. After that realization, it was much to personal to try and do anything with the manuscript, even though I liked it and was proud of it.
I’m sorry that we have this connection, but I’m glad that you shared this with me!
What a huge grace to have that journal of your mother/son bond! That is a beautiful and priceless thing. God bless your memories as he has blessed your words. Thank you for sharing that profound insight with us on the power of the written word.
Yes, popovers are overlooked. As a lover of bread and baking, I should make them more than once every twelve years. Thanks for the recipe. (And you are so right about the blue cheese, but I bet these will transform hate into love for many.)
Yes, it is most definitely a priceless thing that I will always treasure. I am so glad that God prompted me to write it all down. It’s a difficult and painful place to go back to when I read it now, but sometimes when you lose someone so close to you it is almost reassuring somehow to still be able to feel that depth of grief again even years later. To still feel the loss that deeply in your being after all those years. I guess it’s almost a form of intimacy with someone who’s no longer there.
I don’t know if that makes sense or not.
Thanks so much Hillary, for your very thoughtful comment! I hope that you will enjoy these popovers!
Wow!!! Thanks for sharing this. I have never kept a ‘journal’ although I have always loved to write. (Why I started a blog). I usually write poetry but I remember in high school I would write stories for my best friend.
I have never made popovers and have never really had blue cheese. I think the popovers look amazing and they make me hungry looking at your pictures but might want to try another type of cheese. Do you know if it would make a difference using a different cheese?
Kathie, I am so tempted to tell you this should be one of your “ingredient challenges!”
If you wanted to make these without the blue cheese you would need to increase the milk to 1 full cup, and then you could sprinkle a couple tablespoons of your cheese of choice over the top before baking.
What a wonderful post and beautiful son! Thank you for sharing him and your favorite cheese!
Thank you Joy, for taking the time to read my post! I appreciate it.