Where it started.

Accidental Happy Baker was born from my early midlife crisis. After my last baby went off to kindergarten I had way too much free time on my hands and no direction. I’d been a stay at home mom for 15 years with no idea what I wanted to do with my life.  Completely overwhelmed and depressed, I started making all my favorite comfort foods.  Soon my new found free time was filled with baking. I worked to master the skills and recipes I’d seen my mother and  grandmothers use to bake fresh bread and rolls, cakes and pies, things I’d always wanted to make, but with 4 babies underfoot hadn’t ever taken the time to learn.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that with my oven mitts and apron on my mood and my outlook completely changed. I’d gone from depressed and directionless to feeling joyful and accomplished. I love the way that food brings family and friends together allowing you to share that joy. I love sharing new recipes with my family and friends. And if we’re being honest…they’d tell you that they love being taste testers too. So began Accidental Happy Baker.  I hope that as you try the recipes you’ll find here, you’ll find new favorites to share with your family and friends also.

My favorite things to bake are scones  (if you are a scone lover check out my scone Pinterest board ) but I also love using fresh seasonal produce, especially if it’s something that I’ve picked myself or bought from local farmers. I myself don’t have a green thumb, but I sure do appreciate it when other people share their bounty.

When I’m not in the kitchen I enjoy hiking with my husband, camping in my gypsy wagon in the woods, and foraging wild edible foods. If you enjoy those things to you can follow along with my foraging adventures on my other website: www.offtothewild.com where I share posts about foraging, cooking locally sourced wild edible foods, food preservation and more. 

I also love soaking up as much time with my kiddos and my grandson.

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